Brave: Possessing or displaying courage or to be Valiant.
Before I start to write today I would like to share a couple quotes I came across.
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear". Ambrose Redmoon
"Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow".
Mary Anne Radmacher
Today a client came to see me at work. I have not seen her in some time. I was surprised when the first thing out her mouth was her asking how I was doing.It's not a bad thing but most people don't ask or take the time to ask how we are doing. I have not seen her since quite some time before Xmas. I told her how I'd been doing and she just kept saying you are so very brave. I told her I am just doing what I need to do. Seems to me I now just go with the flow. At times I do not feel brave but, scared. It honestly depends on where my mind is at. She said bravery comes in different forms. The more I got to thinking about it I agreed. In my daily life I am not brave but in my arthritis life I am brave. Isn't it interesting how I can have two different sides. When it comes to everyday life I feel I lack the zest and bravery but when it comes to dealing with my health something else kicks into gear and I become somewhat fearless. Give me a new drug I'll do it, give me a new activity I'll try it. If it means getting better and fighting my battle then count me in. I only wish I was as fearless in my everyday life. How is this possible? So when my client was telling me she thought I was tough, brave, and such a great inspiration my heart disagreed somewhat. Isn't it interesting what life throws at us but today I decided to be a little more aware and be a little bit braver in my everyday life. I bet if a physiologist was to read this post they would say it goes deep then me just having two different sides. Now that would be an interesting conversation. The difference is now I am a little more aware of the fact that I need to boost up my day to day living a bit more and be a little braver.
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