Welcome to the "POWER OF MOVEMENT"
March 4th 2012
10:30am Vancouver Creekside Communtiy center
Go onto the link and then JOIN MY TEAM!!!!
For those who know me well you know whenever I am faced with adversity I tend to do stuff to keep me busy , balanced and to remind me that I feel good when I am helping others and supporting a cause that I strongly believe in. I have registered for the POWER OF MOVEMENT in Vancouver BC. It is an hour long event to raise money for arthritis research. The research is so important to me because it means that maybe, just maybe we can start to find some cures for this chronic, debilitating disease. I want to share some facts with you today about some of the things I am learning about statistacs.
4.6 million canadians live with arthritis and or autoimmune diseases. It is the most common cause of disability in canada costing 33.2 BILLION dollars a year! That is crazy! There are over 100 types of arthritis and auto immune diseases. Most common Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, AS Anklylosing Spondylitis ( this is what I have), Lupus, Scleroderma, and Juvenile arthritis. These are only a few. All the money raised goes towards doing research for these and more. I get excited about doing good things and since I live with it everyday I can tell you it is SO important to me to be making a differnce in my community by supporting this. It would mean the world to me if you could join or doante!!!!
Thank you Erin!! Your support of this event means SOOOO much to me. Join Erin and have fun with Gloria Latham of Semperviva Yoga!