Friday, April 5, 2013

Finding the balance.

 Between early early mornings with my full time job, school, running a household, family and friends I have been having a hard time finding a balance. I study everyday and now with taking on two courses I have to study more which leaves less time for the other 50 million things I need to do. I ALMOST forgot I also need to find time to deal with the on going Arthritis situation. I have not shaved my legs in 2 weeks (sorry) I just figure it takes to much time and I need that time to make dinner, do laundry, walk the dog, walk Roger ( just kidding) but really I am really trying to figure if living on scheduled time is the best solution. Also I am trying to decide if I should go get my legs waxed.........Did I mention I am also training for my half marathon.......YUP!

Currently my schedule starts at 3:30am then I work from 5am til 1:30pm. I then drive home walk in the door, take hutch for a long walk, shower, make dinner, clean up, study for a couple hours and try to go to bed at 8:30.....which honestly is more like 9pm. It is damn hard. I am constantly on the go and barely have time to do my hair anymore, or I am to tired to put myself together. My type of Arthritis makes me extremely tired all the time, everyday. I try not to drink coffee but some time I have too. I make lists so I do not miss out on something.

What I am finding is the perfect balance is very hard to find. I don't have much time for relationship nights out or sitting down to watch a movie, but I must trust that everything I put in now will reward me later.  I do stick to my routine and so far it is working but it is not easy. I think maybe it is the Aries in me. I am not one for order, or to much organization but I am learning. I was looking at the next two months and realized there is weddings, (3) birthdays, weekends away and was wondering how I will fit it all in. I know I can it is just time management......or win the lottery hire someone to organize my life...hmmm

Oh yeah the arthritis I almost forgot. I have no time for it yet it stays with me everyday, I put it to the back of my mind and accept that this is something I don't need to schedule, because it comes and goes as it likes. It is unpredictable and can flare up when it wants and for however long it feels it wants to. I do feel like when I am less stressed it tends to not bother me as much, when I have the balance in the rest of my life it seems to be better. I have currently been going to all measures to make sure I am healthy and inflammation free but that is a whole other post.....

I could spend my whole life trying to fit it all in and trying to find the perfect recipe to the perfect balance, but the truth is I don't think life would be as interesting if I followed a perfect schedule.....So for now I will cram everything in. At least i am making the most of my time on earth right??? Never a dull moment in my life.